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Tonkin + Taylor Pty Ltd

A Bit About

Marie McCarthy is a Senior Advisor Māori Development, Resilience and Communities - Strategic Consulting with T+T. Her tribal connections include the Gisborne/East Coast region of Ngāti Porou, central North Island region of Te Arawa and Mokai Patea. She has worked as the Māori lead on numerous projects in the area that intersects environmental social science and Māori.

Presentation Details

One of the key differences within the New Zealand context for Māori is the Treaty of Waitangi. In terms of remediation and other environmental approaches adopted by the government, there is obligation by the crown to recognise and provide for the ‘the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands…’ Marie McCarthy and Sarah Schiess (Tonkin +Taylor) will co-jointly present a view of engagement with iwi on a complex remediation site based in Taranaki New Zealand. Notably, while there are key differences between a western worldview of remediation and that of Māori, there are also some key synergies. This presentation provides key principles of what effective engagement may look like for mutually beneficial outcome.

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