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AST Environmental, Inc.

Senior Remediation Engineer

A Bit About Mike

Mr. Mazzarese oversees project assessment and design, field implementation oversight, and post-project data analysis for applications in western USA, Canada, and Australia. He has been involved with remediation for over twenty years, having worked in the in-situ remediation technology and environmental consulting fields throughout his professional career.

Presentation Details

Use of common adsorbents for the remediation of per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) in situ has generally been limited to granular activated carbon (GAC), colloidal activated carbon (CAC), biochar, or conventional pump and treat systems (ex situ treatment). FLUORO-SORB®, manufactured by CETCO, is a novel product that can be injected in situ using high energy installation techniques which have been refined for 20 years using similar or larger particle products (e.g., zero valent iron (ZVI) or GAC)). FLUORO-SORB is manufactured by modifying bentonite clay with a proprietary process. The final product has high sorption kinetics, significant sorption capacity, can be effective across a wide range of PFAS concentrations, and can be used with other reactants and reagents in the subsurface for mixed contaminant sites. This presentation will provide an overview of the technology and highlight the university and field studies completed to date.

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