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A Bit About Roy


Senior Environmental Specialist

Presentation Details

​Roy Thun is an accomplished environmental portfolio manager and climate resiliency & sustainability thought leader with over 35-years’ experience working in both environmental consulting and BP’s Remediation Management group. Roy is a former board member of the Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF US), and one of the founding members of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority’s Sustainability Council. He has been a contributor to a variety of guidance documents, including: ASTM Standard Guide for Remedial Action Resiliency to Climate Impacts, ITRC’s Sustainable and Resilient Remediation, ITRC’s Remediation Management of Complex Sites, and ASTM’s Recognition and Derecognition of Environmental Liabilities.

How does Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) performance relate to national and corporate SDG commitments and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) ratings? US Federal environmental policies and common private sector approaches to remediation reveal some interesting insights.

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