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October 11 - Stream One
Room: Atrium

8.50am - 9.00am

Welcome Day 2

Presented by Scott Carroll, President, ALGA

9.00am - 9.55am

9.55am - 10.00am

Primary Sponsor 

Presented by ADE Consulting Group

Morning Tea 10.00 - 10.30 AM

Emerging and Emerged Contaminants - Getting Outside The Box
Chaired by Penny Flukes, GHD

10.30am - 11.10am

Keynote - Exposure to Chemicals

Presented by Jochen Mueller, Professor, University of Queensland

11.10am- 11.25am

A Circular Economy Outlook: Options for the Management of PFAS in Recycled Organics

Presented by Matthew Askeland, ADE Consulting Group

11.25am - 11.40am

Are Conservative Guideline Values and Sustainable Resource Use Pulling in Different Directions – the Case for PFAS 

Presented by Dr Carolyn Brumley, Arcadis

11.40am - 11.55am

Forever Chemicals – What is the Least Worst Place for Them?

Presented by Gemma Williams, Nation Partners Pty Ltd


11.55am - 12.10pm

A Net Negative Carbon Capture Process Using NonToxic Solvent and Reusable Green Products

Presented by Steven Woodard, Montrose Environmental - ECT2

12.10pm - 12.30pm

Questions and Answers

12.30pm -1.00pm


Lunch 12.30pm - 1.30pm

Policy and Regulation: Getting ahead of the Problem
Chair Andrew Mitchell, ADE

1.30pm - 1.50pm

Keynote - Contaminated land policy in Victoria

Presented by Kristin Wasley, Principal Policy Advisor - Contaminated Land, DEECA 

1:50pm - 3:10pm

Panel - Towards best practice: Exploring the future of contaminated land management in Victoria

It’s been over two years since Victoria’s prevention-focused Environment Protection framework took effect. DEECA’s Environment Protection Branch is responsible for the policy that underpins the framework and monitors emerging risks and issues. This includes a comprehensive review of contaminated land policy across Victoria. This session will explore emerging drivers for addressing contaminated land such as climate change and consideration of Traditional Owner cultural values, and the need for a more strategic, multi-disciplinary approach to contaminated land management in Victoria. 


Panel Members: Kristin Wasley – Contaminated land policy review, Environment Protection Branch, DEECA,
Roxy Mayer-Marks, Manager Aboriginal Partnerships & Engagement
Maggie McNamara, Director in Climate Change in Industry
Katie Becker, Policy Officer Traditional owner engagement

Eve Graham, Director Environment Protection

Chaired by Skye Holcombe Henley, Manager - Environment Protection Partnerships, DEECA

Afternoon Tea 3.10pm - 3.40pm

Contaminated Land and Groundwater Breaking News: You heard it here first! Chaired by Charles Grimison, Ventia

3.40pm - 3.55pm

Chlorinated Solvent Daughter Product Management and Expedited Remediation

Presented by Mike Mazzarese, AST Environmental, Inc

3.55pm - 4.10pm

True or False? Using the Biogenic Interference Calculation (BIC) to Eliminate False Petroleum Hydrocarbon Detections in Naturally Organic Soils and Waste Materials

Presented by Francine Kelly-Hooper, GHD

4.10pm - 4.25pm

Emerging Uses of Injectable Colloidal Carbon to Remediate PFAS in Groundwater and Sediment

Presented by Brendan Brodie, ERM

4.25pm - 4.40pm

Bioavailability of PFAS in Stabilized Soils: Implications for Remediation with Activated Carbon​

Presented by Dr Divina Navarro, CSIRO Environment

4.40pm - 4.55pm

Questions and Answers


Keynote - ESG ratings and SDG performance - Are they mutually exclusive?

Presented by Roy Thun Senior Environmental Specialist, GHD


5.45pm - 5.50pm

Primary Sponsor

Presented by Veolia Environmental Services

5.50pm - 6.00pm


Presented by Matt Potter, CEO, ALGA

5.05pm - 5.45pm

Skyline Lounge
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