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October 11 - Stream Two
Room: Skyline Lounge

Addressing Contamination in Consultation with Traditional Owners and Tangata Whenua Chaired by Dru Marsh, EPA Victoria

10.30am - 10.45am

Characterising the Exposure of Indigenous Australians to Contaminated Land

Presented by Emmylou Cooke, Arcadis 

10.45am - 11.00am

Working with Traditional Owners in the Yamatji Nation Indigenous Land Use Agreement Area

Presented by Simone Staaden, Department of Planning, Land and Heritage

11.00am- 11.15am

Addressing Contamination in Consultation with Traditional Owners 

Presented by Charles Kosecki, Epic Environmental Pty Ltd

11.15am - 11.30am

The Value of Engagement – Learnings from Engagement with Māori to Address Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Properties Affected by Contamination

Presented by Kim Wepasnick, Land Information NZ - Toitu Te Whenua

11.30am - 11.45pm

Engagement with Maralinga Tjarutja on Waste Debris Pit Investigation and Remediation

Presented by Matthew Ball, Project Manager – Maralinga Site Maintenance Project, Department of Industry, Science and Resources

11.45am - 12.00pm

Start at the Beginning – Engagement with Tangata Whenua on a Complex Contaminated Site

Presented by Marie McCarthy, Tonkin + Taylor Pty Ltd 

12.00pm - 12.30pm

Questions and Answers

Lunch 12.30pm - 1.30pm

Water is simple, but its problems aren’t
Chaired by Chris Duesterberg, Nation Partners

1.30pm - 1.45pm

When a LNAPL behaves like a DNAPL: The Diving Plume Phenomenon

Presented by Darren Bennetts, BlueSphere Environmental Pty Ltd

1.45pm - 2.00pm

Sustainable Remediation of LNAPL via Bioventing at Fractured Rock Aquifer Sites

Presented by Keith Maxfield, AECOM Australia Pty Ltd

2.00pm - 2.15pm

Monitoring Acid Mine Drainage: Electrical Conductivity as a proxy for metal concentrations and application in mass load calculations

Presented by Stephanie McColl, Tetra Tech Coffey Pty Ltd

2.15pm - 2.30pm

Chlorinated Ethene Remediation in Fractured Rock, Braybrook, Victoria
Presented by Victoria Will Ellis, Potentia Environment (presenting for JBS&G)

2.30pm - 2.50pm

Questions and Answers

2.50pm - 2.55pm

Bioclogging of Aquifers for Containment and Remediation of Organic Contaminants

Presented by Santo Ragusa, ADE Consulting Group Pty Ltd

2.55pm - 3.00 pm

Enhanced In situ Biodegradation (EISB) – Lessons learnt from the field

Presented by Nathan Northby, Geosyntec Consultants

3.00pm - 3.05pm

Zero Valent Iron Injection, Bioaugmentation and Biostimulation at a TCE-impacted Site in Orange NSW

Presented by Predro Balbachevsky, EI Australia

Afternoon Tea 3.10pm - 3.40pm

SustRem – Quantifying Sustainability: Regulatory and Industry Imperatives Chaired by Matthew Tendam, Aurecon)

3.40pm - 4:40pm

Panel - Sustainable Remediation through the rearview mirror.

Panel Members: Roy Thun, GHD, 

Paul Nathanial, Land Quality Management, 

David Tully, Contaminated Land Solutions Pty Ltd,

Krista MacPherson, Norton Rose Fulbright

4:40pm - 5:00pm

Sustainable Remediation Award Pitch

Room Change 5.00pm - 5.05pm
Move to Atrium (Level 2)

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